We are proud to have achieved certification across a number of business areas demonstrating that we value the ability to provide a good service and quality products to positively impact individuals, organisations and society.
LPI Gold Standard
We have been accredited by the Learning and Performance Institute (LPI) and have been a Gold Standard from 2006 until now – 2024.
With a professional L&D team who are all either Members or Fellows we understand the requirements of design, development and delivery.
Where learning is concerned, trust and confidence are essential. Clients must trust that an organisation is able to deliver a service to the highest possible standard.
Supporting our belief that great learning is fundamental to success and providing the best learning experience with a guarantee of quality materials and delivery is key.
For more information go to the LPI website.

EcoVadis – Silver
EcoVadis is helping over 100,000+ companies of all sizes and industries to forge opportunities from sustainability challenges.
At Newtyne we take these issues seriously and are demonstrating our commitment by adopting the internationally recognised methodology to benchmark our business, as we strive to develop our sustainability practices across our environmental, social and ethical performance.
This is demonstrated by our current silver rating and our intention to improve this over time.
Learn more about EcoVadis

Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials certification provides assurance and peace of mind to our clients in the management of security threats.
In the fast-paced cyber landscape in which we all work, Newtyne seeks to continually improve security controls to help protect against these online threats.
This is a great first step and we will be working towards applying further improvements and gaining additional certification over the next year.
Learn more about Cyber Essentials.

SQA Approved Centre
We are delighted to be an approved Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) delivery centre since September 2021. SQA qualifications are delivered by approved centres at home and abroad providing opportunity and a wider reach to benefit all.
We are approved to deliver several elements of our Business Essentials course and our NEW qualification the Professional Certificate in Applied Data Programming (SCQF Level 7) (ADP) offered as stand alone programme as well as part of our Newtyne Academy.
Learn more about the ADP here.

Living Wage
Newtyne is proud to be a Living Wage Employer as we believe a decent standard of living is fundamental for all to thrive in a modern world.
The real Living wage is an independently calculated rate based on the cost of living and is paid voluntarily by employers. The rate is calculated annually by The Resolution Foundation on an analysis of the wage that employees need to earn in order to afford the basket of goods required for a decent standard of living.
The basket of goods includes housing, childcare, transport and heating costs.
Learn more about The Real Living Wage