Professional Qualifications
Professional Certificate in Applied Data Programming (SCQF Level 7)
What is the Professional Certificate in Applied Data Programming (ADP) ?
Newtyne’s bespoke ADP is a practical workplace qualification, designed to apply and extend the learning from our flagship Talent Programme the Newtyne Academy for Data Analysts/Programmers
The qualification has been developed by Newtyne and is certificated and quality assured by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). This gives learners the assurance of a rigorous, comprehensive and valuable learning programme, assessed against national and international standards.
Throughout the programme, learners will be continually assessed by our expert tutors. There is a mix of technical and practical units, with assessment of the technical units by online examination. Further assessment of these units is by means of Product Evaluation Assessments (PEAs), designed to assess practical ability. Learners will then go on to apply their technical knowledge in a real-world, data-driven, workplace challenge, using core business skills, also taught and assessed as part of the practical unit from the ADP. This includes topics such as communication and influencing others, critical-thinking, problem solving and business writing.
Overall, the full programme is designed to take between 12-18 months to achieve.

Learning Overview:
The qualification is delivered by using blended learning techniques via our Digital Learning Platform with comprehensive hands-on exercises and assignments throughout to help assess and reinforce learning. Don’t worry – our expert tutors will be on hand all the way to guide and support you.
Our ADP is made up of five technical units, all centred around a commonly used Data Programming Language, plus one further practical unit, supported throughout with Business Skills.

SQA Certification
Once all units have been assessed as ‘achieved’ and internally verified by Newtyne, learners will be awarded a commemorative certificate and detailed record of attainment from the SQA, as well as a digital badge from Newtyne.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Learners who have already obtained the SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming using SAS 9.4 certification may automatically qualify as having attained Units 1 and 2 of the ADP.
Learners who do not possess the SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming using SAS 9.4 certification will still be able to have their work from Units 1 and 2 assessed by Newtyne as part of the ADP – all to the same exacting standards.
To help you prepare, you will be given access to our exam preparation tool MemoTrainer™ and the opportunity to sit mock exams.

Next Steps
If you would like to find out more about our Professional Certificate in Applied Data Programming (ADP), please contact us.