Career Development for Data Analysts
Learning Overview
The learning is delivered using blended learning techniques via our Digital Learning Platform with comprehensive hands-on exercises throughout to help assess and reinforce learning.
By the end of the programme learners will have sufficient knowledge and technical skills to successfully extract, analyse and present data including how to:
- Implement Data Step processing techniques to manage your data efficiently
- Utilise macro variables and functions to make your programs smarter
- Implement conditional iterative macro processing to help you generate dynamic, data driven code
- Use Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Generate output in multiple different formats using the SAS Output Delivery System (ODS).

SAS Language Training
The following SAS Language courses are the essentials required for the SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4 certification.
- Fundamentals – the Language of SAS
- Intermediate – the Language of SAS
Plus additional skills:
- Macros – the Language of SAS
- Reporting Techniques – the Language of SAS
- PROC SQL – the Language of SAS

Business Skills for Data Professionals
The technical programme outlined above is complimented by the addition of our two-day Business Skills for Data Professionals course.
As well as exploring some simple models and theories of human behaviour, it is also highly practical, with tools and techniques to ensure people can perform well at work, increase their influence and improve their working relationships with a range of transferable, every-day skills for business success.
The course is aimed at graduates new to corporate life or anyone who would like to enhance their ‘interpersonal’ skills.

SAS Language Certification
As part of the programme, we look for individuals to attain professional certification from the SAS Institute Inc. The SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming using SAS 9.4 exam, scheduled by us, is delivered as a proctored exam and taken remotely or at an approved test centre.
To help prepare, learners will be given access to our certification exam preparation product MemoTrainer™ and signposted to mock exams with full support of the instructor to get you ‘exam ready’.
Professional Certificate in Applied Data Programming (SCQF Level 7)
Learners have the opportunity to attain a Professional Certificate in Applied Data Programming (ADP). This qualification has been developed by Newtyne and is certificated and quality assured by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).
It is a practical workplace qualification, designed to apply and extend the learning from our Career Change programme for Data Analysts.
Professional Certificate in Applied Data Programming (SCQF Level 7) for full details.
Next Steps
Upcoming Career Development for Data Analyst programmes:
21 October 2024
Interested in taking part? Note your interest here and we will be in touch.