Hi Moira, What was the driver behind the move to Digital Learning?
We needed to re-engineer our approach to meet the demand for digital learning and continue to deliver an effective service.
Work had started when COVID-19 hit. When everything around you changes, the PMO, Project Management Office, is to steady the ship and find a way through the other side.
We quickly re-baselined our work and priorities and focused resources to help accelerate the delivery of this digital transformation.

How would you describe the Digital Learning Platform?
There is a lot more to it than buying an LMS and putting all your existing training material online!
A good online course needs to be engaging and capture the interest and attention of the learner. With a range of technology, tools and techniques to bring personality and life to your content.
It has been huge learning curve but thanks to a resilient and hardworking team we are delighted to showcase our platform and welcome people to Learn …with Newtyne.

What have you learnt from this transformation process?
There is a lot more to it than buying an LMS and putting all your existing training material online!
A good online course needs to be engaging and capture the interest and attention of the learner. With a range of technology, tools and techniques to bring personality and life to your content.
It has been huge learning curve but thanks to a resilient and hardworking team we are delighted to showcase our platform and welcome people to Learn …with Newtyne.