Erin joined our Consultancy team in July 2022 as a Data and Analytics Consultant after attending the Newtyne Academy where she enhanced her existing python skill set with the language of SAS, gaining her SAS base certification.
Erin is also a Mentor on our Newtyne Academy Graduate Programme and externally with the Fuel Change Programme .
She is now applying her comprehensive skillset supporting client projects and contributing to their successes.
So we asked her a few questions about her experience to-date, here’s what she had to say:
Hi Erin , What attracted you to Newtyne and the consultancy role?
Having just finished my Mathematics degree at Uni, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in data and analytics.
Newtyne seemed like the perfect fit for me as they were able to offer an intense 4-week training programme in the language of SAS and gain base certification building on my Python skills before going straight into my first placement as a consultant.

What are the top 3 highlights of your role so far?
For sure my top highlight has been the people I’ve met since joining. Every person has had different experiences to share and I’ve learned a lot in a short space of time!
Another highlight has been gaining the skills to explain/visualise the results of the code I’ve been working on and then going on to deliver them to stakeholders for the first time.
To think this time a year ago I would have been so nervous to present my results, my confidence has really grown since starting with Newtyne!

What key challenges did you face starting a new role in this current climate?
I guess the hardest challenge I had to face was getting used to online zoom meetings and not being able to collaborate with your colleagues in person, as this was something I’ve never really done before.
Although it can be hard to fit in sometimes, it’s important that you still make time to check in with people as it can be overwhelming with all the project information when you first start.
You do quickly become part of the team so feel able to contribute and add value to the project.
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